
  • 越狱大逃亡第二季
  • 主演:未录入
  • 导演:未录入
  • 简介:Every prisoner fantasizes about escape, but few attempt it. The second documentary-drama series of BREAKOUT brings eight more action-packed stories of criminals who bust out of some of the most secure prisons in the world. In the face of seemingly impossible obstacles, the prisoners’ ingenuity and sheer audaciousness is awe-inspiring. So too the skilled detective work of the la...更多简介


  • 周源  久小七 
  • 吕小龙  何宗道 
  • '
  • 岛崎信长  铃木达央 
  • 北野武  西岛秀俊 
  • 阿尔本·巴贾拉克塔拉贾  雨果·狄龙 
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