
  • 正义
  • 主演:Arduíno Colassanti Adriana Prieto Márcia 
  • 导演:内尔森·帕雷拉·德桑托斯 
  • 简介:  Satirical comedy set in Rio de Janeiro about a general's playboy son meeting a leftist intellectual who wants to write/film the playboy's dolce vita. Various shenanigans follow in a thinly-disguised attack on the military régime which started in Brazil in 1964 and ended only in 1985.                                                                              But already from 1966 onwards, the censorship keeps on changing its focus and, little by little...更多简介


  • 周源  久小七 
  • 吕小龙  何宗道 
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  • 岛崎信长  铃木达央 
  • 北野武  西岛秀俊 
  • 阿尔本·巴贾拉克塔拉贾  雨果·狄龙 
  • 本站所有影片均来源于互联网,仅供测试和学习交流。

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