
  • 智胜先师
  • 主演:阿吉特·库玛尔 卡加·艾嘉 Serge Crozon-Cazin 
  • 导演:Siva 
  • 简介:  A celebrated covert operation specialist Ajay Kumar is assigned a high risk mission to retrieve the detonation codes for deadly plutonium weapons stolen by terrorists to upset the world order. After putting his unparalleled skills to use he finds himself on the verge of successfully completing the mission, only to be shocked by treasonous acts which he wouldn’t have even dreamt of. He is then left to deal with overwhelming odds stacked against him in order to survive.更多简介


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  • 岛崎信长  铃木达央 
  • 北野武  西岛秀俊 
  • 阿尔本·巴贾拉克塔拉贾  雨果·狄龙 
  • 涂们  吕星辰 
  • 房祖名  薛凯琪 
  • 本站所有影片均来源于互联网,仅供测试和学习交流。

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